
Friday, April 27, 2012

Some Help For FOX News

Dear Fox News,

I saw recently that you were asking where Ron Paul was. Wanting to lend a humanitarian hand to help you find this missing person, I took some time to look for him. Having found him very quickly, I thought I should pass along my missing person techniques so that, if you so desire, you could train your reporters how to locate successful presidential candidates as they speak to very large and very loud crowds.
  1. First, I googled "Ron Paul Texas" since I live in Texas and don't have a large expense account.
  2. I then inspected all the links that Google found relating to Ron Paul speaking and selected the closest one- about an hour away.
  3. I then wrote down the address, located it on an online map, got in my car, and drove to the address.
  4.  Here is where amazing things started happening. Signs started appearing on the road pointing the way to Ron Paul. When I arrived and parked the car, there were streams of people pouring into a building nearby. Although I wasn't familiar with these buildings, AMAZINGLY, nearly everyone was carrying signs with Ron Paul's name and picture on them. I guess they wanted to make sure they would remember who they were going to see and would recognize him when he showed up. From this point on it would have been hard not to find RP.  I just followed the crowd to a seat and there was Ron Paul.
Now, I never had any training in investigative journalism, but I am sure that if these techniques are studied and mastered by your investigative journalists, they won't have any more trouble in the future finding Ron Paul or other liberty minded people. I hope this helps.

Lending A. Hand

PS. Since your journalists, not being able to find Ron Paul, were probably not able to obtain a picture of this big event, please feel free to use the following picture which I took. Sorry my camera is not the best.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My first thought on seeing the World Trade Towers fall on live television was "That is without doubt a controlled demolition." I'd seen enough video to recognize a building free falling into its own footprint when I saw it. However I didn't have the engineering data or experience to prove it. But here's a credible expert witness who does.

For those who prefer to see the experimental data backing up Richard Gage, here it is. Actually this guy deserves a medal for investigative engineering. He's managed to do outside his field of expertise what a whole passel government scientists working inside their specialty could not do.